Cassi Ence
I learned to sew and crochet from my mom who taught me when I was in the third grade. I remember bringing my crochet projects to school and drawing in a crowd of girls who wanted to learn. I soon created a new fad and we all sat along the wall at recess crocheting away. The fad was soon replaced by beanie babies and giga pets, but I’ve remained ‘hooked’ ever since.
In 2009 I decided to turn my hobby into a career in order to stay home with my newborn son and help with our family’s finances while my husband went to school. I started an Etsy shop called Polka Dot Posh selling handmade baby accessories inspired by my baby boy. By request I started selling the patterns and tutorials and discovered my love for pattern design. Then in 2012 I opened The Stitch House in order to give my expanding pattern collection a home of their own.