Catherine Lee
► Store temporarily off line - March 3, 2024.
Store is back online - August 13, 2024.◄
Published between 1924-1977 protected for 95 years (as of 2020 laws)
1978 to present protected for life of author/designer PLUS 70 years.
There is NO “vintage” patterns that are free or for sale legally.
People call “vintage” as 1970+, some as new as the 1990’s,
and others believe ALL are fair game.
Years that enter public domain (unless laws change to rescind)
1926+95=2021 / 1927+95=2022 / 1928+95=2023 / 1929+95=2024 / 1930+95=2025 / 1931+95=2026 / 1932+95=2027 / 1933+95=2028 / 1934+95=2029 / 1935+95=2030
You WILL NOT change my patterns to include
any of the 'medical' categories and/or attributes.
If I create a pattern for such a specific purpose,
I will state so.
If end users WANT to use the finished item in other
aspects of life, that is THEIR choice and prerogative. __
_You WILL NOT change my patterns to include any of
the 'medical' categories and/or attributes all willy-nilly__
You Will NOT add any type of hastags on my pattern pages. Period.
My patterns are protected by intellectual property rights --
-- copyrighted © . All Rights Reserved -
My free offerings in no way is a relinquishment of my copyrights.
My free patterns are under 100% copyrights.
My exclusive copyrights include:
• Distribute
• Copy and distribute
• E-Mail copies
• Photocopy and distribute
• Snail-mail Copies
• Post Anywhere On The Internet (Including Ravelry)
• Create derivative works
• Create chart
• Translate to another language
• Create video tutorials
• Create written tutorials (simple or in depth)
The End User does NOT have permission of any of these rights.
The wrong thinking of when the works are offered by me for free equates to me giving up my rights. - NOT TRUE
Some want to argue the point that the dictionary meaning of free is:
’’not under the control or in the power of another;
able to act or be done as one wishes’’.
“synonyms: unimpeded, unobstructed, unrestricted, unhampered, clear, open, unblocked.”
• ►NOT TRUE when it comes to copyrights and authors privileges.
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Skipping Stones Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Petals of Spring Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Blessings Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Stepping Stones Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Cuddle Whispers Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Lullaby Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
- Sands Of Time Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Quilted Maze Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Naptime Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Flowing Waves To Ripples
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Tunnels To Dreamland Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Transitions In Time Shawl
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Wrapped In Memories Shawl
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Slumber Waves Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Remnants Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store
Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store

- Sleeping Diamonds Baby Blanket
- Catherine Lee's Ravelry Store