Christina Eady
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Barney the Bear The Dreamy Crocheter September 2012 1 41
Bea the Bear key chain The Dreamy Crocheter November 2012 1 49
Beaky the Bird The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 12
Betty the Bunny The Dreamy Crocheter January 2013 3
Christmas Pudding keychain The Dreamy Crocheter August 2012 14
Christmas Tree key chain The Dreamy Crocheter August 2012 59
Christmas tree ornament The Dreamy Crocheter August 2012 28
Cupcake key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 41
Daisy the Duck key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 38
Garth the Ghost key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 16
Henrietta the Hamster key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 30
Henry the Hedgehog key chain The Dreamy Crocheter April 2013 22
Ice cream key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 23
Lipstick key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 8
Morris Mouse amigurumi The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 2 20
Nesta the Mouse key chain The Dreamy Crocheter May 2013 86
Olivia the Owl key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 68
Othello the Owl The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 19
Patrick the Penguin key chain The Dreamy Crocheter August 2012 1 65
Penelope the Pig The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 18
Penny the Penguin The Dreamy Crocheter September 2012 17
Peter the Pig keychain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 39
Pumpkin key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 20
Queen's Guard key chain The Dreamy Crocheter June 2013 20
Rocky the Robin The Dreamy Crocheter June 2012 11