Christjan Bee

Christjan Bee

original designs

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Black Baby Cowboy Boots
Crochet Fanatic
Deadpool Pillow
Crochet Fanatic
Crochet Fanatic
Care Bear
Crochet Fanatic
Crochet Fanatic
  • Pooh
  • Crochet Fanatic
Baby Boots
Crochet Fanatic
Female doll
Crochet Fanatic
Crochet Fanatic
Crochet Fanatic
Crochet Fanatic
#154 Meganium (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
Large Chess Set
Crochet Fanatic
Safari Ball (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
Love Ball (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
Heavy Ball (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
Dream Ball (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#187 Hoppip (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#135 Jolteon (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#123 Scyther (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#188 Skiploom (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#351 Castform (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#474 Porygon Z (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#137 Porygon (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#226 Mantine (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#042 Golbat (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#169 Crobat (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#041 Zubat (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#081 Magnemite (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#381 Latios (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#023 Ekans (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#120 Staryu (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#050 Diglett (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#193 Yanma (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#051 Dugtrio (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#380 Latias (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
#147 Dratini (Pokemon)
Crochet Fanatic
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