Christopher Kale
Very very busy singer and teacher who tries to find the time to indulge in his many hobbies. Years ago, I discovered the relaxing fun of (hand) spinning. When the yarn started piling up, rediscovered the (sometimes) relaxing fun of knitting, which I learned as a child. Now the two are competing for the very little time I have when I am not running from one job to another in airplanes (where I dare to knit), trains (where I try to knit) and bicycles (where I can’t knit).
Both my knitting and spinning designs are focused on the play of rich colors and textures.
I used to be very bad about posting my spinning here. I’m getting better. I feel compelled to spin! I am primarily a spindle spinner, and I feel like spinning is the thing that truly keeps my fingers on fiber. I do love to knit, and certainly knit many things from ‘factory’ yarn - but nothing feels better than grabbing a handful of fresh fluffy fiber, and watching it turn from straw into gold… every time.
Christopher Kale's Ravelry Downloads

- Positive Negative Socks
- Christopher Kale's Ravelry Downloads
Christopher Kale's Ravelry Downloads

- North Sea Shawl
- Christopher Kale's Ravelry Downloads