Crystal Calhoun
I’m an anthropology-loving, book-hoarding, tea-drinking pirate! I’m also the owner and person-of-all-duties of the crafty business Star and Crossbones.
If you’re knitting, queuing, hearting or talking about my patterns, thank you Very Kindly for getting me that much closer to being able to go “Woo!” about my life again. ;)
By the way, want to be a test-knitter? There’s a form on my Web site for that. :D
Aside from knitting, I spin, sew, weave, crochet, and make shawl pins. You can find the results of my madness, along with my boyfriend’s chain mail objects, in my Etsy shop: http://jeweledclaws.etsy.com.
When I’m not working on fiber stuff, you can find me blathering about random things, cooking Chinese food, baking bread-esque objects, dreaming of costumes, chasing fuzzy things around my tiny condo, and sneaking time writing and reading speculative fiction.
Star and Crossbones

- Simple Cup Cozy, Bottom Up Version
- Star and Crossbones