Crystal S. McDonald
My name is Crystal, the Hippie Diva.
I’m a lifelong Alaskan, wife to one brilliant man and mother to three incredible children. Our handsome son was born in September 2006, our gorgeous daughter was born in February 2009, and our newest little one joined us July 2010!
I spend my time chasing the kids, cleaning, cooking, crafting, reading, writing, and ultimately enjoying everything that life with my little family has to offer.
We’re a breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, attachment-parenting, cloth diapering family, and we love it! Many of the items that we use I’ve recreated for sale. We especially love cloth diapers, wool covers, cloth pads, cloth wipes, and not-paper towels. We try to limit our use of excessive packaging, and we try to use all-natural products when and where we can.
Hippie Diva Creations -- always helping you live the life you love!
Hippie Diva Creations

- Toddler Rolled Brim Winter Cap & Matching Scarf
- Hippie Diva Creations