When I learned to knit and crochet as a child, there were no patterns lying around; I just made whatever flew into my mind. And I kept this habit until today.
On this page, I’d like to make some of my patterns available. Please understand that as of now, these patterns are only an enhanced version of the notes I took while making the items. They are not tech-edited and they are not thoroughly tested. Hence, they are free. If you are interested in any of my other projects, feel free to ask for directions, I’ll be able to give you the hints you need.
All my work is licensed under a creative commons by-sa license, which means that you are able to distribute and/or change the pattern (you may even sell the items you made from it), as long as you mention me as the original author of the pattern and your changes to my pattern are under the same license as my pattern was (which means people must be able to change & distribute it & sell items made of it, too).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Switzerland License (German-only).