Debi Brim

Debi Brim

My photo website is .

I also have a crochet blog at

I learned to crochet on thread at 7 yrs old. In 2017, at 58 yrs old, I entered an item in the state fair for the first time in my life … and won best of show! 99% of my projects are sold in a consignment shop where sales benefit the Salvation Army …. so I “crochet for charity”.

I retired from 30 years of making wedding cakes but closed my catering/baking business to return to college at 50 years old to become a teacher. I teach FACS (Home Ec), Gov’t and History. I lived in Madison, Indiana (right on the Ohio River) with my husband of over 30 years.

original designs

It's Hard to Fit In
Debi's Crafts and Hobbies
Popcorn Points
Debi's Crafts and Hobbies
Diamonds in the Round
Debi's Crafts and Hobbies
Debi's Drawstring Bag
Debi's Crafts and Hobbies
Tuesday Brim
Debi's Crafts and Hobbies
Monday Monday
Debi's Crafts and Hobbies