dorisann allenson

dorisann allenson
I am a retired art educator of 31 years! Knitting was something I did when I or a member of my family needed a new sweater! Now knitting has become so much more! It is a creative outlet, a social event and it creates a bond between friends that is so hard to understand! So you can see… I love it!
Garter Stitch and Lace Spring Lightweight Scarf
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
- Garter Stitch and Lace Spring Lightweight Scarf
- Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Chunky Little Arrowhead Lace Cowl
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
- Chunky Little Arrowhead Lace Cowl
- Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Twisted Stitches Rib and Cable Hat
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
- Twisted Stitches Rib and Cable Hat
- Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Unisex Leftover Sock Yarn Neckwarmer
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
- Unisex Leftover Sock Yarn Neckwarmer
- Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
hats! Hats! Hats! A Family of Hats!
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
- hats! Hats! Hats! A Family of Hats!
- Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Bitty Baby Garter Yoke Dress with Flower Headband
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
- Bitty Baby Garter Yoke Dress with Flower Headband
- Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Sock Yarn Scrap Bag Cowl
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop
- Sock Yarn Scrap Bag Cowl
- Dragonflycorner's Ravelry Shop