Elena Shapetko

Shawls are meant to keep us and our loved ones warm, but are also an accessory that shows our style, adds some color to the outfit, or even makes a statement!
Another bonus: they are not fitted, so very easy to knit as gifts / to sell.
My favorite shawl shape is triangle, but I sometimes experiment with other shapes too.

I love knitting hats: they are the quickest gift to whip up, yet give plenty of room for creativity.

I started my career in knitting by selling hats, and I still regularly come up with new ideas: for women, men and children, different seasons and fit preferences.

And of course, it’s best to keep the hands warm too!

3 items

Since the birth of my daughter in 2020, I started designing clothing items and accessories for babies and children. And now I simply cannot stop - they somehow automatically turn out extra cute!

I hope, you also find something nice to knit for your little family members or friends’ children.