Fairisle Rona

Fairisle Rona
My username is fairislerona and my facebook site is facebook/ fairislerona.
Hi! I’m a ‘maker’ and have been all of my life……I trained as a textile designer in Scotland and was fortunate to work as a designer for 20 years in the Yorkshire textile industry: when Britain had a textile industry.
Then I went back to college and became a textiles teacher. I’m pretty passionate about textiles, I run knitting, crochet and sewing classes for Rowan in Yorkshire, teach Art Textiles in a secondary school, do my own knitwear designing and have many projects on the go.
Fairislerona is about sharing the material pleasures in life.
Flower Basket Knitted Tea Cozy
Fairisle Rona's Ravelry Store
Fairisle Rona's Ravelry Store

- Flower Basket Knitted Tea Cozy
- Fairisle Rona's Ravelry Store
How to crochet a daffodil
Fairisle Rona's Ravelry Store
Fairisle Rona's Ravelry Store
- How to crochet a daffodil
- Fairisle Rona's Ravelry Store