Ginny Schweiss
I didn’t plan to put any patterns on Ravelry. Ever. It’s been a nice site to visit, to exchange questions and answers and solutions. I was happy just knitting for myself, my husband, daughter, and grandchildren. But life took a funny turn recently. Back spasms. Enforced rest. Muscle relaxers. And being the goal-oriented gal that I am, I found myself supine on the couch, computer on my lap, cleaning up the knitting files I keep on each item I make, surfing Ravelry, thinking … Why not?
I’m a hand-knitter-turned-machine knitter who likes to mix media. Knit, crochet, embroider, bead … I’ll do any or all to make a design pop from ordinary to something I am proud to wear or carry or give as a gift. It seems I always start with something simple that I can make in a few days, and then my imagination runs rampant through the project and takes over. Days extend into a week, and a week stretches into several as I blend color work, add or delete features, and select embellishments. The mind just never stops. Even a simple design deserves to be unique.
When I used to write novels, people would say, Where do you get all your ideas?? Knitting is much the same for me: the ideas are just there. Couldn’t stop them if I tried. They come from all aspects of my background: ordinary life in the Midwest meets astrology and “New Age” stuff (runes, Feng Shui, etc.). Plus a large assortment of dogs, horses, parrots and other animals that have enriched my life. I haven’t been inspired to work any physical therapy designs into any of my items. I don’t really see a big draw in beading a pair of crutches on a sweater, but hey, it could happen.
Beaded Pony Designs
- Deceptively Simple Roll Brim Hat II
- Beaded Pony Designs
Beaded Pony Designs
- Deceptively Simple Roll Brim Hat
- Beaded Pony Designs