handful of colour
I’m a knitwear designer who loves colour and, in particular, shawls. My passion is to create patterns that someone who’s relatively recently started out on their knitting journey can enjoy and be proud of making and wearing - I want us all to enjoy this amazing craft!
Most of my patterns look so much harder to knit than they actually are and I often use SchoppelWolle Zauberball (you can use any variegated yarn that you like the look of) to help create a look that isn’t nearly as complicated as it seems. I regularly combine variegated yarn with mosaic knitting/slipped stitches to get the look of colour work which means that you never knit with more than one colour per row.
For those of you that like a little more spice in your knitting, there’s the Railway Shawl (to ease you into stranded colour work) or the Fairy Lights Shawl which involve some extra yarn wrapping. More patterns always on the needles!