Helen Stewart

Helen Stewart

Curious Handmade knitting patterns are designed to help you achieve the look you envisioned while still providing the soothing enjoyment that comes from the rhythm of a good knit. With the right pattern (and the perfect yarn) you can feel the tedium of the commute or the stress of a busy life fade away, while creating a beautiful accessory.

Need a friend to knit with and some inspirational thoughts for the day? Check out the Curious Handmade podcast, available to download on my blog or listen via iTunes.

You can join the Curious Handmade Group for knit-a-longs, pattern testing requests and general support and chat about my designs. Please pop over and introduce yourself - it is a very friendly crew!

original designs

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Hill Top Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Kindling Mitts
Knitvent 2015
Kindling Hat
Knitvent 2015
Ice River hat
Knitvent 2015
Cabin Path Shawl
Knitvent 2015
Ice River Snood
Knitvent 2015
Summertide Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Whispering Island Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Adorn Gift Bags
Knitvent 2014
Lind Cowl
Knitvent 2014
Candlelit Shawl
Essential Shawls
Eden Fells Scarf
Dream Big 2014
Eden Fells Hat
Dream Big 2014
Cloud Wrap
Dream Big 2014
Sunburst Shawl
Dream Big 2014
Curious Collective 2014
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Velvet Rose Shawl
Dream Big 2014
Pebble Beach Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Global Nomad Cowl
Dream Big 2014
Easy Bobble Hat
Curious Handmade Website
Frangipani Shawl
Dream Big 2014
Quicksilver Cowl
Knitvent 2013
Fresh Powder Cowl
Knitvent 2013
Checkerboard Mitts
Knitvent 2013
Red Robin Shawl
Knitvent 2013
Elemental Things Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Glitz at the Ritz
Knitty, First Fall 2013
Curious Collective Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Squish Up Cowl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Twinkle Twinkle Baby Blanket
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Cataleya Hat
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Afternoon Tea
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Cadence Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Odessa Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Câlin Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Radiance Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Lucky Clover Shawl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Jewel Cowl
Curious Handmade Ravelry Store
Baby Diamond
The Knitchicks' Guide to Sweaters
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