Hilary Smith Callis
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Mirabor The Yarniad website August 2010 16 686
Moab Vest The Sweater Book by Hilary Smith Callis July 2015 11 768
Naos The Yarniad website October 2017 18 1085
Napali Cardigan The Sweater Book by Hilary Smith Callis July 2015 2 250
Naranj The Yarniad website October 2016 112 1393
Nimbus Cowl The Yarniad website February 2016 40 944
Nola Cloche The Yarniad on Ravelry October 2012 758 9295
Nola Petite The Yarniad website December 2012 52 561
Nyx Cardigan The Yarniad website January 2013 18 994
Parapluie twist collective Fall 2012 August 2012 10 998
Pelagos The Yarniad website February 2018 24 963
Pennae Shawl The Yarniad website May 2015 97 3643
Peponi The Yarniad website November 2010 39 728
Peppermint Candy Cowl The Yarniad website January 2012 36 1205
Phosphoro The Yarniad website April 2016 17 980
Pommier Vest The Yarniad website September 2015 129 4060
Pontos Cardigan The Yarniad website March 2012 49 1969
Poua Pullover Knit Picks Website August 2014 16 1138
Poulia The Yarniad website September 2016 64 755
Rioja The Yarniad website October 2013 99 1450
Safire The Yarniad website November 2009 398 6497
Safrani Cardigan The Yarniad website August 2015 20 1917
Saturn Cardigan Knitscene, Summer 2013 April 2013 34 898
Shadow & Glow The Yarniad website July 2013 29 1614
Shasta Vest The Sweater Book by Hilary Smith Callis July 2015 45 1455