Hilja Kaitila

Hilja Kaitila

original designs

Kissakestit | Kitten fête DK
dyecat STUDIO web shop
Kissakestit | Kitten fête
dyecat STUDIO web shop
Sienikorissa sukat Foraging fungi
dyecat STUDIO web shop
dyecat STUDIO web shop
NO CAP - lippis
dyecat STUDIO web shop
Rahka pipo
dyecat STUDIO web shop
Tanja verkkosukat
dyecat STUDIO web shop
This is the way
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Online Offline
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Nonparelli beanie
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Kuukunen huppuhuivi
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Pescatore pipo
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Phillippe pipo
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Hui kauhia! silmukointiopas
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Halloween themed kitchener stitch kit includes 12 different patterns and their variations! Techniques include kitchener / grafting, intarsia and stranded knitting.
Kesäpäivän pääskyset sukat
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Sitruunaperhonen sukat
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Love cats be =)
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
dyecat STUDIO web shop
  • Kissis
  • dyecat STUDIO web shop
Super Chonker pipo
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store
Hilja Kaitila's Ravelry Store