Jean Greenhowe
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Snowman Jean Greenhowe's Little Gift Dolls January 1989 20 12
Squidgy Beanbugs Jean Greenhowe Designs website February 2010 11 60
Super Boy and Super Girl Jean Greenhowe's Playful Puppies June 2013 2 10
Superkid Jean Greenhowe's Little Gift Dolls September 1989 26 12
Sweet Easter Bunnies Jean Greenhowe's Jiffyknits January 2000 5 22
Sweet Little Snowballs Jean Greenhowe's Toy Collection January 1989 18 40
Tangerine and Lemon Sachets Jean Greenhowe's Bazaar Knits January 1990 5 14
015 Tea Party Treats Part 1 - Appetisers Jean Greenhowe Designs website September 2007 48 965
Tea Party Treats Part 2 - Biscuits and Cakes Jean Greenhowe Designs website September 2007 74 1052
Teddy Bears' Picnic Jean Greenhowe's Toy Collection January 1989 73 55
Ten of the Best: Cinderella Woman's Weekly, 4 October 1980 October 1980 2 9
Ten of the Best: Davy Crockett Woman's Weekly, 23 August 1988 September 1980 7
Ten of the Best: Red Riding Hood Knitted Toys (1986) September 1980 7
Ten of the Best: Robin Hood (11") Woman's Weekly, 4 October 1980 September 1980 5
Ten of the Best: Santa Claus (11") Woman's Weekly, 4 October 1980 October 1980 2 7
Ten of the Best: The Brownie (11") Woman's Weekly, 23 August 1988 September 1980 7
Ten of the Best: The Footballer (11") Woman's Weekly, 4 October 1980 October 1980 1 4
Ten of the Best: The Guardsman Woman's Weekly, 23 August 1988 September 1980 3 18
Ten of the Best: The Pirate (11") Knitted Toys (1986) September 1980 23 50
Ten of the Best: The Snowman (11") Knitted Toys (1986) October 1980 5 15
The Bunny Family Jean Greenhowe's Toy Collection January 1989 25 40
The Cosy Family Jean Greenhowe's Bazaar Knits January 1990 3 4
The Duck Family Jean Greenhowe's Knitted Animals January 1990 227 366
The Frog Family Jean Greenhowe's Knitted Animals January 1990 43 97
The Haunted Dustbin Jean Greenhowe's Jiffyknits January 2000 36