Jessica Jacquemin
Jessica Jacquemin
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Treasures From the Deep
Decorative Crochet, March 2000, #74
Decorative Crochet, March 2000, #74

- Treasures From the Deep
- Decorative Crochet, March 2000, #74
Rain of Petals
Decorative Crochet, January 2000, #73
Decorative Crochet, January 2000, #73

- Rain of Petals
- Decorative Crochet, January 2000, #73
Grapevine Appliques
Decorative Crochet, November 2004, #102
Decorative Crochet, November 2004, #102

- Grapevine Appliques
- Decorative Crochet, November 2004, #102
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