Joan Rowe

Joan Rowe

I have been publishing knitting patterns on Ravelry since 2012, although I had been designing patterns for myself for many years before Ravelry made it possible to self-publish patterns. I love to knit lace, and creatures - the creatures are so quick - it’s instant gratification. Well….. some of them are quick anyway. It’s quite a challenge to figure out how to make them look realistic, but that’s what I really like to do. Each time I start on a new animal I research it and try to get the anatomy correct. I guess that comes of a lifetime spent in scientific research labs (mostly molecular biology).

Now, I’m retired, living next to a wetlands, and loving the solitude, which is interrupted only by noisy flights of geese and chattering birds all day long. I spend lots of time knitting while listening to audiobooks in the evenings, but all day I’m in the garden unless it’s freezing out there.

My other love is gardening and I have 1.6 ac to keep me busy. Chiloquin is a cold place though (or at least, it used to be cold) and there is no gardening to be done from Nov to April, when the ground is frozen solid and likely covered with snow.

You can find me on FaceBook and BlueSky as JoansGarden.
I also publish a weekly newsletter for Chiloquin -

If you’re interested in test knitting my new designs, I have started a group for that purpose. The group is JoansGarden’s Knitted Creatures You are most welcome to join even if you don’t want to test knit.

original designs

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Octopus Pillow Throw
Joan's Garden
Comfy Cat Cardigan
Joan's Garden
Secretary Hat
Joan's Garden
Great Owl Hat
Joan's Garden
Simply a Vest
Joan's Garden
Rockin' Robins
Joan's Garden
Leafy Beanie
Joan's Garden
Chameleon Headband
Joan's Garden
Basic Headband
Joan's Garden
Halloween Hair
Joan's Garden
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