Joy Koestner
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
18 Inch Doll Bath Set The Craft Frog on Ravelry December 2014 2 95
18 Inch Doll Dorothy Costume The Craft Frog on Ravelry January 2015 1 55
Abby Cadabby The Craft Frog blog 2 54
American Bullfrog The Craft Frog on Ravelry November 2012 3 92
American Pit Bull Terrier The Craft Frog on Ravelry October 2012 7 50
American Shorthair Kitten The Craft Frog on Ravelry September 2012 1 48
Amused Gallbladder The Craft Frog January 2015 7 59
Animal Winter Wear The Craft Frog blog 54 2364
Apple The Craft Frog blog 6 117
Asian Elephant The Craft Frog blog June 2012 22
Baby Dragon The Craft Frog blog June 2012 79
Back-to-School Dog The Craft Frog blog 5
Bake Sale Tray The Craft Frog blog 1 38
Banana Split The Craft Frog blog 4 233
Banana, revised The Craft Frog blog July 2010 17 199
Barn Owl The Craft Frog on Ravelry January 2013 1 77
Bedtime Kitty The Craft Frog blog 8
Beluga The Craft Frog on Ravelry March 2013 1 20
Birthday Turtle The Craft Frog blog 22
Breakfast The Craft Frog blog 4 82
Broom The Craft Frog blog July 2010 1 51
Cake Stand The Craft Frog blog 3 103
Candy The Craft Frog blog 25
Carrot The Craft Frog blog 34 207
Cat The Craft Frog blog 2 96