Kat LeFevre
I have crafted almost from birth thanks to my very patient mom. An avid knitter, I have jumped wholeheartedly–indeed some (my husband, for one) would say obsessively– into knitting. I spend too much time on Ravelry, read way too many email lists about knitting, attempt to keep up with a blog (http://creativepopoffs.blogspot.com), drive the Bookmobile for the Tulsa library, and almost manage to keep the house somewhat tidy as long as you don’t look too closely.
In addition to the fiber arts I also enjoy quilting, beading, scrapbooking, jewelry-making, reading, photography, tatting, painting, drawing, and a few other crafts.
My current goal is to have as much overlap among my hobbies as possible, thus justifying buying more supplies for all of them.
Cotton Spice Magazine, June 2009

- Sparkling Waves Scarf
- Cotton Spice Magazine, June 2009