Katherine Majka
Welcome to my little space on Ravelry!
I’m Katherine. My pronouns are she/her and I’m a queer knitter and designer living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
My username on Ravelry is: Kasia-Knits
Knitting, like the appearance of my wife and my cat, has been truly significant in my life. It has given me access to a beautiful and vibrant community that I could never have dreamed existed. It has helped me in managing my own mental struggles and just generally been a good time.
My goal is to share this inspiration with others. To make and hold space for those of us who don’t fit in where we are. If you belong nowhere else, you belong here. Welcome, friend.
Pay What Works: In an effort to find a balance between more financial accessibility and sustainable pricing, I now offer a “Pay What Works” model. This allows for financial flexibility while still valuing and respecting the work and energy I and others provide in the making of this pattern. The price shown on Ravelry is the “true” value of the pattern that best reflects the work put into creating this design.
To purchase the pattern at a price point that is more accessible to you, use the coupon code at checkout listed next to the price point. The prices indicate the price you will pay, not the discount amount. No coupon code is needed for the highest price point.