Kris Mimulus
Ah knitting, how I love thee! (except lace) And books too. And traveling. And food, my dogs, my house, etc. My blog randomly blathers on about these things, and now, also occasionally includes knitting patterns!
I never really thought I’d design patterns, until I realized the lack of cool, free patterns of cute sea creatures and made some up. Now I’m very excited about the prospect of seeing other things people have created out of something I made up!
My patterns are just things that came from my brain. They haven’t been test-knitted or tech-edited, but hey, they’re free.
In the real world I am a park ranger who takes people for tidepool tours and hikes through the forest in the summer, and a substitute teacher for the rest of the year (which, besides providing me with an income for watching David Attenborough videos all day, allows me to do it while knitting-- the downside is having to babysit teenagers at the same time.)