Leslie Adrian

Leslie Adrian

Hi, Leslie here…“Crazy Girl” began in September, 2003, from the simple idea of creating a space where you could buy the most exquisite yarn fiber available and when you were done, could hang out with a good cup of coffee and knit for a while. The idea has grown steadily and watching it come to fruition has been one of my life’s great joys. We currently have two brick and mortar shops (Coralville, and Cedar Falls) and an online shopping cart. I attribute most of our success to the enthusiasm and dedication of a superb staff and the never ending creative ideas of our large customer base. I often get asked why I called it “Crazy Girl” but anyone who has caught the knitting bug understands the name. For a true addict, the fiber and color somehow possesses you and drive you to create. It makes you in a sense, “Crazy”…. but what a fun psychosis to have!

On a personal note, I currently reside in Cedar Falls with my husband and six kids. I split my time between the two stores so I have quite a bit of windshield time. If only I could knit on the road! I’ve been knitting for 20 years now (can that really be true ??) My favorite knitting project is always the next one - which I often start before I finish what’s on my needles (a true addict). If you would like to contact me I’d love to hear your comments at crazygirliowa@gmail.com or you can find a Crazy Girl Yarn Shop group on Ravelry and Facebook. But best of all, stop in the shop with your project and a good cup of coffee and spend some face time with me….I’d love to meet you.

original designs

Retro Vest
Crazy Girl Yarn Shop
Big Button Shawls
Crazy Girl Yarn Shop
Faux-bius Wrap
Crazy Girl Yarn Shop
Lacey Chevron Scarf
Crazy Girl Yarn Shop
Crazy Girl Yarn Shop
Quilting Bee Baby Blanket
Crazy Girl Yarn Shop
"Don'tcha Wanna Hug Me?" Cowl
Crazy Girl Yarn Shop