Little Yellow Knithouse

Little Yellow Knithouse
Welcome to my little world of knitting pattern :)
my name is Fie, and i live in Denmark
you can find me on Youtube, where i run a Podcast in Danish only, sorry - it is called LittleYellowKnithouse podcast
you can also find me on Instagram @littleyellowknithouse
and my ravelrygroup - littleyellowknithouse podcast
happy knitting :)
Hej og velkommen til min lille verden af Strikkeopskrifter :slightly_smiling_face:
Mit navn er Fie og jeg bor i Danmark.
Du kan også finde mig på youtube, under Littleyellowknithouse Podcast - en dansk podcast om alt muligt garn og strik hovedsageligt.
du kan også finde mig på Instagram @littleyellowknithouse og min ravelrygruppe : littleyellowknithouse podcast
strik løs :)
christmas dino
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store

- christmas dino
- Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
A flower story
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store

- A flower story
- Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store

- Blomstring
- Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store

- Stjernestøv
- Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store

- Julesweater
- Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Smell the Roses
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store

- Smell the Roses
- Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Cobblestone sweater
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store
Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store

- Cobblestone sweater
- Little Yellow Knithouse's Ravelry Store