Maggie Freeman of Sunny and Stitch

Maggie Freeman of Sunny and Stitch

original designs

Pie Crust Wash Cloth & Face Scrubbie
Sunny and Stitch on Etsy
Bobble Stitch Face Scrubbie
Sunny and Stitch on Etsy
Bobble Heart Wash Cloth
Sunny and Stitch on Etsy
Chunky Knit Cowl
Sunny and Stitch on Folksy
Snowflake Wash Cloth
Sunny and Stitch on Etsy
Granny Stitch Plant Pot Holder
Sunny and Stitch on Etsy
Shell Stitch Wash Cloth
Sunny and Stitch on Etsy
Bobble Stitch Wash Cloth
Sunny and Stitch on Etsy