Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith
I love to spin, knit, dye and crochet. The order changes daily! I am very active in the Society for Creative Anachronism. My nickname is the Evil Fiber Enabler because I was the owner of Ancient Pathways in Fresno Ca. Really, I’m not obsessed with knitting or anything! I have closed the store but am still around for lessons and I am doing lots of pattern designing now.
Please join my group here on Ravelry - Calypso Knits
I have been spinning for about 20 years, knitting for 15 and crocheting forever! I design patterns because I have too! I just can’t seem to knit without some idea popping into my head that I have to try.
Strands in Your Hands
Maggie Smith's Ravelry Store
Maggie Smith's Ravelry Store

- Strands in Your Hands
- Maggie Smith's Ravelry Store