Manuela Cecchetti - Knitting Therapy Designs
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My name is Manuela and I’m a serial knitter and newbie designer.
The creative process helps me sort out and express tangled up thoughts and feelings.
That is why I named my Blog “Knitting Therapy”.
Blog is in Italian but I also send out an english Newsletter from time to time. If you subscribe you get a 20% discount on my patterns.
- If you are interested in keeping track of new and upcoming patterns sign up here.
- If you are also interested in test calls and other projects Join the Test knitting Pool
In my designs process I like to experiment with yarn and let me guide by how it feels in my hands. I also love to look around in Nature, books and everyday life for inspiration.
I hope you’ll enjoy my patterns!
You may find help about the patterns in the Ravelry group as well as via email.
Happy Knitting!
Instagram @iknitso
Ciao, Sono Manuela e sono una Serial knitter ed una designer principiante.
Creare mi aiuta a districare i pensieri ingarbugliati. Ecco perché nasce il mio blog “Knitting Therapy”, un luogo virtuale dove condivido questa passione che aiuta a portare tranquillità nella mia vita.
Qui trovi i miei primi design. Spero che ti piacciano.
Iscrivendoti a una qualsiasi Newsletter avrai il 20% di sconto sui miei pattern:
- Mailing list Italiano Iscriviti qui
- Vuoi partecipare ai prossimi Test Knit, e rimanere aggiornat* riguardo ai prossimi progetti? Join the Test knitting Pool (solo in inglese)
Se hai bisogno di aiuto con uno dei miei pattern puoi chiedere via email o sul Gruppo Ravelry
Instagram @iknitso
Knitting Therapy Ravelry Store

- Snow Tracks Pullover
- Knitting Therapy Ravelry Store
Knitting Therapy Ravelry Store

- Everchanging Pullover
- Knitting Therapy Ravelry Store
Knitting Therapy Ravelry Store

- Cheshire Cat Pullover
- Knitting Therapy Ravelry Store