Martina Supova
Vitajte na mojej stránke, kde sa s vami podelím o svoje návody, ktoré sú dostupné všetky zdarma.
Milujem štrikovanie aj háčkovanie, takže tu nájdete rôzne druhy návodov, od diek, šatiek, doplnkov, topov a pod.
Nezabudnite označiť projekt, ktorý robíte podľa môjho návodu, aby som si vedela pozrieť Vaše hotové diela.
Videonávody nájdete na YouTubue
I have a permanent SALE in my Ravelry shop.
You will get 15% off if you buy 2 patterns (you should put 2 patterns to your cart),
You will get 25% off if you buy 3 patterns (you should put 3 patterns to your cart)
Welcome to my site, where I will share with you my pattern, which all are available for free.
I love both knitting and crocheting, so here you will find all kinds of tutorials, from blankets, scarves, accessories, tops and more.
Don’t forget to mark the project you are making according to my instructions so that I can see your finished works.
You can find video tutorials on YouTube -
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ColorfulLmade Eshop on YouTube
- Super Easy Granny Squares
- ColorfulLmade Eshop on YouTube
ColorfulLmade Eshop on YouTube
- Triangle Light Breeze Shawl
- ColorfulLmade Eshop on YouTube
Martina Supova Design
- Hearts Blanket - With All My Love
- Martina Supova Design
ColorfulLmade Eshop on YouTube
- Šatka Martina od cípu
- ColorfulLmade Eshop on YouTube
Martina Supova Design
- Flower Valley Halfcircle Shawl
- Martina Supova Design
Martina Supova Design
- Romantic Granny Squares Blanket
- Martina Supova Design
YouTube ColorulLmadeshop
- Trojuholníková Šatka Čiarky
- YouTube ColorulLmadeshop
Martina Supova Design
- CAL You Make Me Happy Blanket
- Martina Supova Design
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