Mayan Ward

Mayan Ward

If you want any of my pattern but can’t afford it, please let me know. It will make me very happy to gift it to you.

I opened a Picture knit & crochet group - would love to see you there.

I love color knitting and trying unusual knit ideas.
The charts I make are on one piece of paper, easy to read and hand colored.
I hope you will enjoy it A LOT!

My books are on amazon , one is a how to knit pictures, the others are illustrated with knitted picture, or includes knit patterns.

original designs

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"You are my Sunshine"
Picture Knitting
Hearts Charts
Picture Knitting
knitting in Weaving style
Picture Knitting
The Bridge / Paradise
Picture Knitting
Picture Knitting
Sahavas Hat
Picture Knitting
Invisible Man
Picture Knitting
Love Chart
Picture Knitting
Picture Knitting
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