Meeli Vent

Meeli Vent
Knitting is my passion! My relaxation! My cup of tea!
I will charge myself by knitting, it helps me to go on with my life with DH and 6 kids.
I like to modify patterns, add more knitting and less sewing on. In my designs I try to use this principle.
You are also welcome to join my Ravelry group or follow me in the Instagram.
I have my own page at FB: Vardakunst, I’m glad if you will be my fan :D
Please respect my work, do not convey, sell or distribute my patterns without my written permission.
You may sell items made using my patterns but you must indicate pattern and designer name.
Monica's Shawl
My Blog - Käsitööst, köögist ja kompostist
My Blog - Käsitööst, köögist ja kompostist

- Monica's Shawl
- My Blog - Käsitööst, köögist ja kompostist