Meredith M

Meredith M
I have a wonderful husband and three darling dogs. One basset hound, one miniature dachshund, and a sweet little terrier-like mutt (my favorite!). I’m an aspiring gardener and love being outdoors. My husband is in the US Air Force, so we have excellent adventures living and working all over the country. We are extremely blessed!
Shabby Chic Baby Blanket
Vintage Pattern Place Originals by Meredith
Vintage Pattern Place Originals by Meredith

- Shabby Chic Baby Blanket
- Vintage Pattern Place Originals by Meredith
Pierce Family Christmas Stocking
Vintage Pattern Place Originals by Meredith
Vintage Pattern Place Originals by Meredith
- Pierce Family Christmas Stocking
- Vintage Pattern Place Originals by Meredith