Michelle Ben

Michelle Ben

Knit Nature

Solving a problem can have surprising consequences.

Knit Nature is the unexpected outcome of seeking good quality, practical and modern-looking knitwear for my children.

Living in New Zealand, where sheep outnumber people by a factor of more than 7 to 1, you might think this wouldn’t be a problem. However, I found that if I want lots of options for woolen - and potentially, organic - knitwear for my children, hand knitting is probably the only way to get there. And anyway, I enjoy putting my own creative touches on what they’re wearing.

I like clothes to fit nicely. I’m interested in using different to usual construction techniques to achieve an excellent fit and - with my most recent designs - a garment that is seamless (or as close to it as possible!).

I do hope you enjoy knitting my designs, and that they are loved and appreciated by those who wear them.

original designs

Waiting for Baby
Knit Nature