Miina Möttönen

When I was a little kid, my dad used to call me by nickname Miina Möttönen. It has followed me my whole life and so, when I started my part-time business with handicrafts and had to choose the name for it, that was the first thing that came to my mind.

I have published two books in finnish: “Havuilta tuoksuva hengitys” (2021) and “Jouhilla kimaltavat lumitähdet” (2023). Those both are for people who loves horses and knitting. First book is sold-out, so it’s patterns are now in my Ravelry store for sale.

My designs often gets its inspiration from nature or animals. I live in countryside in the middle of the deep forests and have a litlle pack of pets around me, so who wonders.

My native language is finnish and my english can be a bit clumsy. So please ask, if I wrote something funny or incomprehensive ;)

Enjoy your knitting with my patterns!

-Minna/Miina -