Miko Coffey
I have been crocheting since my early teens, and crafting in general since I was old enough to know not to eat the paste. I started knitting about 10 years ago, and have been doing it off and on since getting back into crocheting a few years back. I love the speed of crochet but sometimes the yarn just calls out to be knit instead!
I am addicted to Ravelry, and I admit to spending hours poring over yarn, patterns and projects, even staying up late browsing on my iPhone when I should be sleeping instead. I can’t allow myself onto the forums or else I know it will only get worse. It’s a pretty bad yarn porn addiction. I wonder if there’s a 12-step programme for yarn?
So now I have finally gotten the nerve to start posting my own creations as Ravelry downloads. I rarely follow patterns exactly, so this seems the natural next step in my ever-growing passion for fibres and crafts. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.
About me:
I’m a recovering Texan living in London, born to Japanese and American parents. I spend far too much time online, either blogging about crafts on She’s Crafty, my own blog, or joining in as one of the Yarn Whores. In ‘real life’ I am a self-employed web consultant and photographer, with a cat named Dierdre and a hubby who makes awesome sandwiches and music (rarely at the same time). Here’s what I look like, with a little bit of yarn thrown in… oooh, Manos del Uruguay Maxima…. drooooool….
Miko's Ravelry Downloads

- Waves of Gray Neckwarmer / Scarflette
- Miko's Ravelry Downloads