Mone Dräger

Mone Dräger

My Grandma taught me all kind of crafts when I was a kid. Whereas the love for some of the crafts went on and off, I have been addicted to knitting ever since. I often adapt patterns to my needs (for example when I’ve knit a shawl and want a pair of matching mitts) or I make up my own pattern if I can’t find the right one for my yarn. A while ago I started to write them up and I’d like to share them with you. I hope you’ll enjoy them. :)

My Ravelry group for KALs, test knitting opportunities and any news is here:
monemade designs

original designs

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Rows & Rows Socks
monemade Designs
Libra Stole
monemade Designs
Hidden Gusset
Knitty, First Fall 2014
Magnolia Lace Socks
monemade Designs
Snowflower Shawl
monemade Designs
Santa's Slippers
monemade Designs
Bea's Slippers
monemade Designs
Blue Monday Socks
monemade Designs
Knothole Moebius Cowl
monemade Designs
Timeline Mitts
monemade Designs
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