Nancy Pelletier

Nancy Pelletier

Mother of 3 sensible humans: a flight attendant dancing geek, an artist psychosociologist apprentice and a classical music passionate physics bachelor student.
Creator of knitting accessories made with upcycled jewelry and owner of Fancie Nancy Shop.


Mère de 3 êtres sensibles : un agent de bord, formateur et “geek” lorsqu’il ne vole pas, une artiste apprentie psychosociologue, ainsi qu’un futur bachelier en physique passionné de musique classique.
Créatrice d’accessoires de tricot faits avec des bijoux upcyclés et propriétaire du Fancie Nancy Shop.

original designs

Merry Sparkles
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Chandelier 2 point 0
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
French Toast
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Under the Moonlight
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Marigold hat
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Fancie Safari Cowl
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Sissi cowl
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
  • Snowstar
  • Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
A Thousand Vines
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Wave Pool
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Curly Sue
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Centaurea hat
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Centaurea cowl
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Buddleia hat
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Buddleia cowl
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Bethesda Socks
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Rafaella hat
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
  • Rafaella
  • Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
  • Whales
  • Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store
Killer Queen
Nancy Pelletier's Ravelry Store