Nin Leavitt
Hi, I’m Nin, of NinDesigns. I’m a knitting pattern designer and technical editor.
To hire me for technical editing, click here!
I’m an adventure lov’n mom who loves chasing her kids barefoot and in faded jeans through fields of green. On rainy days you can find us curled up on the couch, me reading knitting stitch dictionaries while drinking a fab hot tea or coffee while the kids are… Well, doing
I love to sew, paint and draw. Weld, woodwork and calculus. I murder plants, but I WILL someday manage to grow a thriving garden, even if it kills me. Babies, children and animals make me smile. I ADORE collecting Spode teacups, drinking ginger green tea and telling stories. (That’s the Irish in me)
My designs are brewed from my life, flavoured with bits of inspiration gathered from nature, people, and art.
My knitting wish for you: May you feel the same joy knitting and wearing my designs as I do!