Noelle Stiles

Noelle Stiles

Crochet has been a valuable part of my life for two decades. I started by making blankets and moved slowly to animals, sweaters, dresses, headbands, scarfs, and cowls. I love that I can be productive and creative while I am relaxing after a long day. (In my non-crochet life, I am a scientific researcher in cognitive neuroscience. Lab website)

I found as I became more and more familiar with crochet and cables that I ran out of intricate and elegant cabling patterns in crochet. While knitting had a nearly infinite supply of aran-style sweaters, blankets, and scarves, crochet was a relatively shallow pond. I then started making my own designs of complex aran-style cabling. I have since decided to share these creations and patterns with all of you.

I am always happy to answer any questions about my patterns and try to make them as clear as possible. Select patterns have stitch diagrams and video tutorials to aid with clarity. If a pattern has a diagram or video, it is indicated in the pattern description.

We also have an Etsy shop called Rebecca’s Stylings, a Ravelry group, a Facebook website and an Instagram account! Visit the Facebook page, Ravelry group, and Instagram for early warnings of limited time sales and freebies, and pictures of patterns in progress!

New Book!: Amazon:
Barnes and Noble:
Ravelry group:
Etsy shop:
Facebook website:
Youtube Crochet Tutorials:

Happy Crocheting!

original designs

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Cotswolds Cable Scarf
Rebecca's Stylings
Limerick Tree Cable Scarf
Rebecca's Stylings
Inverness Cable Scarf
Rebecca's Stylings
Birch Bark Cable Scarf
Rebecca's Stylings
Color Block Cable Scarf
Rebecca's Stylings
Celtic Cable Cowl
Rebecca's Stylings
Aran Cable Baby Sweater
Rebecca's Stylings
Cable Baby Poncho
Rebecca's Stylings
Ombre Ribbed Dress
Rebecca's Stylings
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