Pat Bishop Carlson

Pat Bishop Carlson
I focus on garments and shawls. Look for texture and/or color here.
Interested in test knitting? Send me a message.
For a look at my personal knitting see me on Ravelry as LadySitka.
Fund raising project for Y Not Save a Sam Rescue: use code SaveASam when you buy all five Samoyed-themed patterns and save $4. All proceeds go to this charity. (Patterns are Coconut Cardigan, Marshmallow Sweater, Reyka Jacket, Samoyed Cowls, and Sitka Sweater.)
On Facebook? See my patterns in New Knitting Designers along with those of other great new and small designers.
Luckenbooth Pullover (Worsted)
Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy
Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy

- Luckenbooth Pullover (Worsted)
- Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy
Luckenbooth Pullover (Sport)
Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy
Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy

- Luckenbooth Pullover (Sport)
- Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy
Blank Slate Child's Pullover
Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy
Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy

- Blank Slate Child's Pullover
- Lady Sitka Knits on Etsy
Cable and Lace Sweater
Lady Sitka Knits Ravelry Store
Lady Sitka Knits Ravelry Store

- Cable and Lace Sweater
- Lady Sitka Knits Ravelry Store
Falling Leaves Shawl
Lady Sitka Knits Ravelry Store
Lady Sitka Knits Ravelry Store

- Falling Leaves Shawl
- Lady Sitka Knits Ravelry Store