Patricia Kristoffersen
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Pineapples & Crowns Leisure Arts #2746, Pretty Pineapple Doilies January 1995 10 65
Pineapples & Teardrops Leisure Arts #2746, Pretty Pineapple Doilies January 1995 7 25
Pink Flower Doily Patricia Kristoffersen Designs January 1998 27
Points of Light South Maid J14 Book 1410, Winter Jewels January 1995 3 14
Posh Pineapple Leisure Arts #75013, Pineapple Doilies January 1999 17 38
Precious in Pink American School of Needlework #1451, Beautiful Borders Baby Blankets December 2007 14 139
Fair Afghan 003 Precious Moments American School of Needlework #1451, Beautiful Borders Baby Blankets December 2007 17 97
Pure Rhythm Leisure Arts #3291, Pineapple Elegance January 2002 23 207
Radiant Mosaic Leisure Arts #102678, Crochet for Today January 1996 2 10
Rainbow Swirls 8 1/4" Square Leisure Arts #102678, Crochet for Today January 1996 1 7
Ravishing Leisure Arts #2851, Elegant in Ecru January 1996 3 32
Refined Beauty Leisure Arts #3291, Pineapple Elegance January 2002 10 37
Reflections Doily South Maid J14 Book 1411, Masterpiece Doilies January 1995 6 42
Regal Leisure Arts #3003, Masterpiece Doilies January 1997 7 14
Restful Wrap Leisure Arts #108206, A Year of Afghans, Book 3 July 1998 2 17
Rhiana Victorian Spiral Doilies Book 1 January 2001 6 89
Rings for Baby American School of Needlework #1451, Beautiful Borders Baby Blankets December 2007 8 188
Rosa Leisure Arts #3818, Doilies with a Twist January 2004 50 142
Rosa Rosa Remastered Doilies With A Twist Remastered November 2017 8 215
Rosy Trellis Leisure Arts #108203, A Year of Afghans, Book 2 July 1997 4 10
Royalty South Maid J16 Book 0124, Natural Beauty January 2001 18 38
Ruby Leisure Arts #3818, Doilies with a Twist January 2004 22 70
Ruby Remastered middle section Ruby Remastered Doilies With A Twist Remastered November 2017 6 141
Sail Away Doily Patricia Kristoffersen Designs January 1998 10 138
Sail Away Doily Sail Away Doily Patricia Kristoffersen Designs January 1998 49