Patricia L. Clark
Why “feltedlace”: I knit lots of different things, but when I first got back into knitting as an adult, I found I loved knitting lace shawls and scarves, and felted bags and hats. Very different kinds of knitting, with different levels of brain-involvement, good for different situations. And, none of it required precise sizing, letting me get away with no (or minimal) swatching. Swatching is the brussel sprouts of knitting. Then socks surprised me: such a complex shape, but so stretchy that they require minimal sizing. Who knew??
I usually have multiple projects in progress (at least 1 lace, a sock in my bag, and something bulky like a sweater that stays at home). I’ve got other projects I fully intend to finish, but haven’t touched in years. I knit in spurts: every spare minute for a month or two, then nothing for another few months. I learned to knit as a kid, ignored it for decades, and picked it up again in 2005. Also learned to crochet as a kid, but that has yet to re-emerge, except when needed to edge lace. Pretty typical, eh? ;)