Ria Saakshi
I am a enthusiastic knitter and amateur knit and crochet designer in my spare time (which is practically non-existant these days) … designer sounds somewhat grandiose, more a yarn-tinker I think.
I’ve been knitting since I was small (more seriously in the last 5 years) and I just taught myself to crochet a couple of years ago and became fastly obsessed - and now prefer it to knitting!
In the real world I am an English as and Additional Language Coordinator for the Learning Schools Trust (try saying it fast 10 times in a row) and happily married to a Northman .
I dabble in most crafts but recently I have started to learn beading, wire work and embroidery / sewing on top of the knitting and crochet and I am hoping to incorporate these into my designs more…
I do not put up patterns very often… this is mostly because I have a job, a Husband and a little Boy that take up the vast majority of my time.
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- Rectangular Multi-Cozy (DS Case)
- Riasaakshi's Tumblr