Rina Lehmann

Rina Lehmann

Pattern support: info@rinalehmann.de

Hi, I’m Katharina…

About 25 years ago I found my passion about knitting. Since then many hobbies came and went but knitting was always on my side.
After so many years of knitting I still make mistakes and frog a lot of yarn, but I can learn from it every time and that is what I love most about following a passion. It is not always about having success and fun (of course, it does a lot :-)), it is also about failing, growing and learning. In the end this is what really fills my heart with happiness.

I love to try out new techniques to expand my knitting skills but I also really enjoy a simple garter stitch project.

When I am working on a knitting project my body and my soul are getting peaceful. I can sit and relax, challenge my mind and be creative equally. Since the beginning of 2019 I am working on my dream to write and publish my own patterns. Nice to have you here! Katharina <3

You can always join me here and I would love to see your versions of my patterns here: #Instagram# | #Youtube# | #Facebook-Group#

original designs

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Glowing Dusk Shawl
Rina Lehmann's Ravelry Store
Visitor Socks Kids
Rina Lehmann's Ravelry Store
Little Ivy Cardigan
Rina Lehmann's Ravelry Store
Visitor Socks
Rina Lehmann's Ravelry Store
Breakthrough Shawl
Rina Lehmann's Ravelry Store
Both Sides Mitts
Rina Lehmann's Ravelry Store
Stonehouse Socks
Rina Lehmann's Ravelry Store
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