Rosi Garmendia
Rosi Garmendia
I’m a 40-something yarn addict who always has something fiber-y within arms reach.
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If You Can Read This...Socks
Rosi Garmendia's Ravelry Store
Rosi Garmendia's Ravelry Store
- If You Can Read This...Socks
- Rosi Garmendia's Ravelry Store
Earth and Green
Masterpiece Knits: The Modern Collection
Masterpiece Knits: The Modern Collection
- Earth and Green
- Masterpiece Knits: The Modern Collection
Rothko Beret
Masterpiece Knits: The Modern Collection
Masterpiece Knits: The Modern Collection
- Rothko Beret
- Masterpiece Knits: The Modern Collection
Daycare Sweater
Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
- Daycare Sweater
- Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
- University
- Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
Mi Escuelita
Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
- Mi Escuelita
- Education: Sweaters for Daycare through College
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