Sara Glavas
It has been a while! After a lot of consideration, I have decided to open my pattern shop back up. I closed shop around the time Ravelry changed their layout for a couple reasons, the first being I was not happy with how Ravelry handled the new layout’s accessibility and frankly I found it hard to be on the site for very long before feeling the affects of it. The second was because a huge chunk of my designs are Harry Potter related and I do not agree with J.K Rowling’s comments about the LGBTQ+ community. I was hoping to rework all my HP designs with new pictures and names but life took over (grad school x 2, new work environment, health) and I struggled to find the time to do so. So I made the decision to close up shop. With that being said HP has always been a huge part of my childhood and one that has always brought me joy and comfort. More and more I feel the need for that comfort and know that HP has brought those feelings to many. In a world that has been continuously plagued with grief and hardships I want to be able to provide joy where I can, so for the time being all my HP inspired patterns will be free until I am able to rework and redesign them. I am just about to finish up my second masters program and hope that when I am finished I will finally have some spare time that will allow me to get back to doing what I love which is knitting and creating.
Much love and joy,
P.S. If you see a pattern you absolutely must knit but can not afford please let me know and I will be more than happy to gift it to you.
instagram: Sarloz.knitz
Designs by Sara Glavas

- Women's March Winter Ornaments
- Designs by Sara Glavas
Designs by Sara Glavas

- Norwegian Ridgeback: Dragon Ear Warmer
- Designs by Sara Glavas