Sara Lee
I am a human services student on the path to a masters in social work. Or psychology. Or I’ll be a sign language interpreter. Or I’ll marry a millionaire and be well stocked in Malabrigo. And own an alpaca.
I’m a little bit hippie, way too into school, and I can’t shut up if I think there is a cause involved. I love to knit toys, and am working on a whole series of bugs :). It may take a year (or three,) but there will be a series, I promise! Maybe.
About copyright, The actual pattern belongs to me. The finished product belongs to you. Do with it what you wish. I wouldn’t, however, advise selling Hello Kitty or Studio Ghibli based items. Also, if you do sell or donate something based on one of my designs, it might be polite to let people know where your idea came from (hint.) If you give it away, tell them you thought it up yourself ;).
Saradippity's Knits and Stuff

- The Spiraling Distaff
- Saradippity's Knits and Stuff
Saradippity's Knits and Stuff

- Spiffy Little Needle Roll
- Saradippity's Knits and Stuff