Saskia M.H. de Feijter
Hi! My name is Saskia. Under the name SAS Knits It Again, I started a blog in nov 2005 to share my knitting because the Stitch & Bitch I started didn’t really take off. My friends didn’t want to knit in public and after a few gatherings, I decided I’d look for some more fanatic knitters. I found them in the bloggosphere.
One thing led to another and I opened a LYS in Rotterdam the Netherlands. It was called ‘Ja, Wol’, literally translated that means ‘Yes, Wool’, but in German (our neigbour country) it means something like ‘certainly!’ or ‘indeed!’.
It’s a strong name with a wink. Let’s not take all this yarny business too seriously…
Ja, Wol has it’s own Ravelry shop page and profile.
These days (dd 01-2024) I am a Slow Fashion Business Mentor a podcast host (Pattern Shift) and I run a community for makers and sellers that want to put their needs and values at the base of their craft and business; the Ja, Wol Community.
Eventhough I love to design, and have done a lot of it, I hardly had any time to get the designs into workable patterns…. Sad but true.
One of the most asked questions in my shop was this one:
’Do you think I can knit this pattern?’
After a while I came up with this knitter motto:
1.Read the pattern.
2.If you understand everything; KNIT IT!
3.If you understand most; TRY IT!
4.If you understand nothing; LEARN IN KNITTING CLASSES!
Knit on!
Ps need help with your fledgeling or fully grown textile craft business? Feel overwhelmed by all things you don’t have time to do? I can help. Www.ja-wol.com