Saskia M.H. de Feijter

Saskia M.H. de Feijter

Hi! My name is Saskia. Under the name SAS Knits It Again, I started a blog in nov 2005 to share my knitting because the Stitch & Bitch I started didn’t really take off. My friends didn’t want to knit in public and after a few gatherings, I decided I’d look for some more fanatic knitters. I found them in the bloggosphere.

One thing led to another and I opened a LYS in Rotterdam the Netherlands. It was called ‘Ja, Wol’, literally translated that means ‘Yes, Wool’, but in German (our neigbour country) it means something like ‘certainly!’ or ‘indeed!’.
It’s a strong name with a wink. Let’s not take all this yarny business too seriously…

Ja, Wol has it’s own Ravelry shop page and profile.

These days (dd 01-2024) I am a Slow Fashion Business Mentor a podcast host (Pattern Shift) and I run a community for makers and sellers that want to put their needs and values at the base of their craft and business; the Ja, Wol Community.

Eventhough I love to design, and have done a lot of it, I hardly had any time to get the designs into workable patterns…. Sad but true.

One of the most asked questions in my shop was this one:
’Do you think I can knit this pattern?’

After a while I came up with this knitter motto:
1.Read the pattern.
2.If you understand everything; KNIT IT!
3.If you understand most; TRY IT!
4.If you understand nothing; LEARN IN KNITTING CLASSES!
Knit on!

Ps need help with your fledgeling or fully grown textile craft business? Feel overwhelmed by all things you don’t have time to do? I can help.

original designs

Scissorhands Shawl
Ja, Wol Designs
Knit Scrunchie 'Wokkel'
SAS Knits It Again
Bamboo Bag
SAS Knits It Again
City Set
SAS Knits It Again
Joan of Arc
Ja, Wol Designs
Jackyll & Hide
Knitty, Fall 2007
Basic Baby Hat
SAS Knits It Again
Baby Hats
Nico Neck Piece
SAS Knits It Again
Space Invader
SAS Knits It Again
phone cozy
SAS Knits It Again