Sirah Morgan
I don’t care if you are black, red, ugly, pretty, male, female, gay, lesbian, or transitioning to another form of existence. As long as you are NICE to me, I will be Nice to You.
Just to let people know right out; I am energetic, enthusiastic, academic, distractable, and ohhh, SHINY YARN! But, we’re all here for the shiny yarn, right?
After 9/11, I just wanted to curl into a corner and crochet. I spent the travels from colleges to my house stopping in thrift stores and picking up patterns, odd knitting needles, yarns and expanding my crochet hook collection. After finishing my Psychology B.A., I finally had the wife of a close friend teach me to knit with a long-tail cast on and English style. But, reading how knitters of lace in Old England simply attached one stick to a belt and knitted superfast with the other made me frustrated with my skills & speed. So, I quit knitting after teaching my closest crafting buddy to knit.
I love non-electric crafts and so have been drawn to internet research of things I will try “one day”. I am a massive cat lover, have lots on the brain and am rarely less than frank despite my veneer of humor. My college friends are mostly gamers and I would bring handicraft items to games for me to work on. I don’t handle sharp objects cause I tend to poke myself so I have given up needlepoint and silk ribbon Embroidery in favor of crochet. My hubbie still calls me his Hobbit, and he’s my Orc or my Klingon. I also love the freedom acrylic painting gives in creating and can’t wait to pair my efforts with crochet/knit assemblage elements. I would love to help you research any craft & help decide on a niche for sales beyond hobby-crafting. To this end, I want to create a non-profit by the name of Mommas Making Rent to help people create their own steady second income. I already feed Pinterest all my ideas about it.
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